Wednesday 24 August 2011

Podcast 0002: Snorting Hummus

Juggling Geese Podcast 0002: Snorting Hummus by jugglinggeese

After much travelling and being Lazy by me, you finally can has the difficult second podcast. In which we discuss jobs, Warhammer 40,000 MMOs, making short sketch videos and usual band stuff.

Some background interference owing to my mic reception varying, this will hopefully be sorted out by 0003


Saturday 13 August 2011

Moving far far away

Hey all, since this is turning into an actual thing we thought we'd make it legit. So we bought a URL and set op our own blog.

You can find it at, we're currently working on posts as well as making some podcasts for you fine people.

We've updated the feedburner RSS feed so it's taking from the new address so there's no need to change that over. This will be the last post to here, see you on the other side


Wednesday 29 June 2011

Now Taking Song Subject Requests!

As an excercise in song writing I (Luke) and taking subject requests. I will try and write a song about that subject.

There are a few conditions

a) They're allowed to be awful. I'm doing this for practice after all.
b) If I come up with a decent song. I'm allowed to use it myself/With the band
c) Music shall be pretty much uke+Keyboard only, with vocals
d) Music shall be badly recorded, until I can improve my set up
e) You're allowed to request covers and a new style to do that cover in.
f) I'm allowed to turn requests down I thoroughly impossible (but only if I really have can't write anything

and when done I'll upload the results onto bandcamp or youtube or something.